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Alternative Healing & Healers
Tel: 201 865 3823 Email : moongoddess3@earthlink.net
Web site: melissawaitestamps.net moongoddess3.wixsite.com/colorpreistess
Melissa Waite Stamps was blessed to grow up the in the vibrant culture of New York City. She attended professional acting school at age 11. She also took painting classes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Since early childhood she has been fascinated by mythology and ancient female based cultures. She was initiated into the mysteries of the Dark and Triple Goddess at 11.
She attended professional theater school at East 15 College of Arts in London, England for three years, where she worked professionally as an actor and director. She took classes in Mediumship and Hypnosis in the British occult tradition.
For three years, she studied at the Ohashi Institute of Advanced Shiatsu Studies. She become a Shamanic body worker and certified hypnotherapist, and began a successful practice in New York City. Following her intuition and love of Asian Energy healing, Melissa began to explore the ancient art of Feng Shui, in the linage of Black Sect Tantric Buddhism Feng Shui. She also went to Parson School of Design and Pratt Art School where she studied painting, computer graphic design and Interior Design. She began a successful Feng Shui business, Transformation and Design, LLC. Melissa helps clients create beautiful spaces, and transform their lives through their living and work space. Her ability deepened to connect with Spirit and psychic phenomenon. She returned to intensive studies of mediumship at Holistic Studies Institute, The Montclair Metaphysical Center, Lee Van Zyl, Lee Ann la Rocca, and Internationally renowned past life regressionist, Shala Mattingly in New York City, as well as Shamanic teachers Sandra Ingerman and Robert Moss. Her accomplishments include:
Founded, acted in, and directed a theater company, called Odyssey Workshop Theatre, that won five awards in an International competition Europe wide.
OUT OF BODYWORKS, a successfulShiatsu and Hypnotherapy practice NYC,
Transformation and Design, LLC. A thriving, creative cutting edge Interior and Feng Shui Design Business
Created 3rd Eye Open NYC Psychic to support people’s desire to develop their own psychic abilities, connect to Spirit. and transform through Shamanic healing and Goddess Mystery.
Teaches Psychic Development, Mediumship, Trance Mediumship and Trance Channeling, Feng Shui and Space Clearing, Dark Goddess Mystery at the Edgar Casey Center, A.R.E. in NYC
and other locations.
Is a life-long Vegetarian and Vegan.
Wrote and illustrated a children’s books, “Georginna and the Light Being” and “Georginna and Many Waters See Mars"
Melissa is now professionally recognized as:
Psychic Medium in the lineage of the Dark Goddess and Triple Goddess
Energy Worker
Teacher of Psychic Development and Spirit Contact
Feng Shui Practitioner and Interior Designer. Space Clearing
Home Showcasing . Interior Re.Designer
Certified Hypnotherapist
Ancestral Healer using Shamanic ceremony
Melissa works with animal advocacy to expand animal rights She appears on local TV and radio, to discuss Mediumship, Spirit contact, and Feng Shui.
She is a member of The American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums, The American Association of Psychics and Mediums, The International Association of Life Coaches, The International Feng Shui Guild and the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. Melissa expands her understanding of her work through love of physics and cosmology as they relate to the principles of The Dark.Triple Goddess, energy healing, Shamanism, Spirit contact. You may contact her via her websites
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